Sergey Nikitin
Sergey Nikitin is a young Russian artist working to challenge postmodernism art paradigm. His artworks are a reflection on the topic of the Present, the ability to live here and now and enjoy the moment. The past and the future do not exist, there is only the present moment which contains life itself. It is the awareness of oneself in this paradigm that is necessary for the development and achievement of spiritual integrity. Constant progress, development and innovation are central to the artist. The latest work is always the most interesting, the new touch is always the most important. Consciousness (reason) and unconsciousness (nature) are intertwined in the artist's works, he reflects on the duality of human nature, two opposites that coexist in each person: a child and an adult, a man and a woman. Only with the balance and harmony between the two, a person can achieve inner peace and outer happiness.
Finding an honest, unbiased opinion, expressing emotions and thoughts without trying to compare yourself to other people, without fear of making a mistake or being misunderstood is essential to the artist. This is the reason he starts working with children. Their flight of fantasy, the ability to express an honest and unique view of the world inspire the artist. He collaborates with them as with equals, seeks inspiration and learning from them. Sergey presents two series of works: "With Liza" - a series of collaborations with a 5-year-old girl, and "With Mark" - a 15-year-old street artist and poet.
Artist's work is an attempt to escape from the standard perception of art, from two-dimensional - into three-dimensional and multi-dimensional space. The artist offers us the world that the viewer has not yet seen and has not expected to see.
08.2016 - "The ripe fingers of elephants" - Gallery Here
03.2017 - “Lavism” - Art Living Room
05.2017 - "Close" - Manege
08.2017 - “Jurmala Art Fair” - Latvia
09.2017 - Antibiennial - Central House of Artists
09.2017 / 10.2017 - Moskvahahahaha - Art4 Museum
11.2017 - "Legends of the avant-garde" Gallery Dacha
01.2018 - "La Revolution" - Cuba - Museum of the Revolution
03.2018 - VGZT Auction - Fine Art Gallery
05. 2018 - Art Bardak - Gallery "Here
01.2019 - Antibiennale - CHA
Sergey Nikitin